Rental bikes and repairs in Nagano

rental and repair bike shop

Are you looking for a rental bike for your next stay in Nagano? Or are you in need of repairing your bike during the ride? Finding the local shops in Japan can be a bit of hasstle for foreign travelers. We help you with a hand picked rental bike shops in Nagano where you can find sports bike rentals and repair shops sorted by popluar toursit’s destination in Nagano.

Karuizawa Area Rental bike shop

Karuizawa is famous destination with easy access from Tokyo by Shinkansen Express Train. There are many shop in town and many of them have e-bikes. But few rents sports bikes. Here’s one where you can rent a sport bike.

Matsumoto Area Rental bike shop

Matsumoto attracts a lot of foregin visitors with famous Matsumoto Castle, there aren’t many bike shops in town, below shop offers a sport bike rent.

Azumino Area Rental bike shop

Azumino is great destination for cylistes as you can enjoy scenic views of Japanese nothern Alpes riding the flat route along the river in Azumino plain.

Nagano and other area

Nagano city is accesible with Shinkansen Express Train directly from Tokyo. This city can be an ideal starting point to visit some of the most famous desitinations in Nagano. Like Zenkoji temple.

If you are a hill climber as a cyclist, try our route for Snow Monkey Park or Shibu Hill Climb route.

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